Name |
Pic |
Sex |
Birthday or Age on 1/1/2000 |
Location |
Interests |
Homepage URL |
Other Contact |
Bart | Male |
(depends on mood) |
Creative Consciousness, Learning to laugh | |||
(Jungleboy) |
Male |
OBE's; Lucid; Projection; Astral Travel; ESP; Premonition; Intense psychic experiences; you name it ..."they" shoved it down my throat! Book in progress. | |||
Carol |
Female |
UK. |
Expanded consciousness (remembering my own phone number would be a good start). | |||
Chip | Male |
OBE Hopeful, the Unknown | |||
Claire | Female |
Getting into trouble! |
Clairity | Female |
LD's & OBE's | ||||
Craig Shillington |
Male |
Altered States of Consciousness, Cats, Astronomy, Science, Unexplored frontiers. | ||
Crystalwolf |
Female |
Trying to have first OBE
and also to contact my
spirit guide |
Diane | Female |
OBE hopeful | ||||
Dominic - Syralid |
Male |
Discovering the boundaries of the human mind/body/spirit. Trance and Goa music. Altered states of mind. Art (Abstract and Anime). Philosophy. Funniness! |
Dorothy |
Female |
Spiritual growth, Education, Esoterica, the Sciences, especially Geology, OBEs. |
Fondly Remembered |
Male |
OBEs, LD's and other unusual states of mind, and basically anything unknown, especially Forteana. I like Science too, particularly Glaciers, Volcanoes, Geology, Climatology and Astronomy, as well as tech, computers, especially computer graphix, Information Freedom, Fantasy literature esp. ElfQuest. I love cats, and have a small she-cat named Kattarina. |
Glacier Page |
Janice |
Female |
(OBE's, LD's etc.): LDs/OBEs, computers, Ireland, folklore, folk music, fantasy novels, crafts |
Jean Galliano | Female |
Connection and contact with guides and guardians, spiritual growth, yoga and dance for meditation and concentration... RV/LD/OBE | ||||
Jeff Mash | Male |
Making people laugh |
Jennifer Spengler | Female |
Lucid Dreaming, OBE (I'm a novice, but I've had 'em!) | ||||
Jim | Male |
OBEs, LD's, (aim is personal development & spiritual growth) | |||
Julia Hawkes-Moore | Female |
Personal voyage of discovery | ||||
Lars | Male |
Dreaming, LD, (OBE next?) | ||||
Lee Whitworth | Male |
All things paranormal | |||
Lorz |
Female |
OBE/LDs, Reading, Swimming/diving | ||
Neil Franklin | Male |
Still trying to get OBE, interest in parapsychology, psychology, science, learning, computers, hands-on technology. |
Reice Sosoe | Male |
Astral Projection [Online book coming soon]. |
Richard *RB* Walton | Male |
OOBEs ..... I used to have more. I want to again. |
Russell | Male |
OBEs, philosophy, life, mountains, Buddhism, Brunton, Damiani, Joy. | |||
Scott | Male |
Lucid Dreaming, Remote Viewing, healing, and personal evolution | |||
Sherilyn | Male |
False Awakenings and Lucid Dreams - skeptical inquiry |
Silver Blade | Male |
OOBEs, music composition, computer programming |
MSN: |
The Original Ken |
Male |
Physics, philosophy, guitar, song writing, hardware/software design, hiking, skiing, scuba, and of course OBE's | |||
Tien Yen |
Male |
OBEs, LD's, meditation, martial arts, music, and of course Physical & Analytical Chemistry | ||
Tiikuli |
Male |
OBE, LD, Shamanism, human psyche, zen, meditation, yoga, nature, ..., and a lot of other things |
MSN: |
Trish Pike
(The Countess) |
Female |
OBE - Lucid Dreaming, Primates |
Zac | Male |
OBE, LD meditation, and telekinesis |
Zyphr(Robert)Hart | Male |
If you aren't
on the list and you want to be, simply mail
me with the following info:
Please try to keep the interests
fairly short, one word descriptions including hobbies if you like.
If I messed up on your entry
or you have changed your email, homepage or contact details, or want to
be taken off the list mail
Got a suggestion for this page .... let me know.